About us
With our headquarters in Rostock, Germany, we have been making it our business for 18 years now to accelerate, optimize and automate even complex process flows in the operation and monitoring of renewable energy plants.
After our two founders and managing directors, Tino Korth and Stephan Thiemann, visited the HUSUM Wind trade fair for the first time in 2003, DrehPunkt GmbH has since grown into a successful medium-sized company.
With rotorsoft we offer a professional, manufacturer-independent software product that is the market-leading application in its field in Germany with a steadily growing international customer base.

Stephan Thiemann and Tino Korth found DrehPunkt GbR in Rostock.
Visiting HUSUM Wind with a vision, a few printed pages and full of drive.
First customer wind 7 AG from Eckernförde and first version of ROTORsoft with one data collection, three evaluations and a precursor of the logbook.

ROTORsoft v1.0
Enormous increase in functions. More and more customers are convinced of ROTORsoft.
Change of name to DrehPunkt GmbH (corresponds to the company structure Ltd.) with the managing partners Stephan Thiemann and Tino Korth.
Neben Windenergie- und Solaranlagen erste Anbindung einer Biogasanlage und eines Wasserkraftwerks.
Umzug in das Technologiezentrum Warnemünde.
DrehPunkt ist nun auch Ausbildungsbetrieb. Erster Azubi zum „Fachinformatiker (Anwendungsentwicklung)“. Bis heute jährliche Ausschreibung von Ausbildungsplätzen.
First ROTORsoft online connection with the Nordex test power plant "Breitling".
Support of the main sponsor "Windstärke 11" (engl.: wind force 11) of the soccer club FC Hansa Rostock.
The new version of the Act of feed-in management stimulates the development of the ROTORsoft PowerLimiter, which enables the remote control of wind turbines.
Hydrogen is traded as the energy carrier of the future. Development of a software for the automatic control of the trades of the hydrogen project Werder/Kessin/Altentreptow is implemented on behalf of WIND-WASSERSTOFF-projekt GmbH.
Start of the development of ROTORsoft 2 and first presentation at the HUSUM WindEnergy. Since then continuous transfer of functions from ROTORsoft 1.
Extension of the PowerLimiter and thus fulfilment of requirements of power traders.
Celebratory sailing trip for the 10th anniversary with customers and employees.
Meanwhile 35 people are employed at DrehPunkt.
Development of the extension "FlightManager" in cooperation with the WuF GmbH (“Wind energy and Flight security”) to enable the German Armed Forces to shut down wind farms exactly when the radar for airspace control is disturbed.
Development of an ALL-IP solution following the discontinuation of analogue and ISDN connections by Deutsche Telekom. Customers can install the new technology themselves.
Elaboration of the new comprehensive ROTORsoft help.
First Customer Day for customers, employees and friends with presentations, seminars and a final get together in the city harbour.
EisMan v2 gets its own support as an integral part of ROTORsoft.
Realisation of the Virtual Customer Week with talks and an EisMan seminar in cooperation with Adwind Renewables.
Establishment of the EisMan Competence Center in collaboration with Adwind Renewables, enabling us to respond to the new requirements of Redispatch 2.0.
Launch of the new rotorsoft homepage, presentation of the new rotorsoft logo and redesign of the word mark "rotorsoft".